
Relaxed. Comfortable. OOTD

Let's face it, most of you know me pretty well by now. Even if you don't feel like you know me personally, you pretty much get the gist of my personal style.

I love classic. I love mixing trends with classic pieces. I love non-fussy-ness (totally a word). I'm NOT the girl who dresses up in tutus, shoulder pads, and hot-pants for the sake of a blog post. I post what I actually wear. I never like to look like an outfit is too planned and I definitely never like to look like I've tried too hard. Because with personal style, you shouldn't have to.
I like to keep it real.

I dress in what makes me comfortable and I'll never step out in something that I feel ridiculous in. I dress for myself in a way that reflects my personal style. I never dress for the sake of shock value for others.  If something strikes me as fun, I'll wear it. If something makes me feel good, I'll wear it. You'll often find me removing an accessory before I decide to take photos or leave the house. I just go for what feels right to me.

Fashion and personal style doesn't have to be in your face or something that absolutely blows your mind. It just has to feel and look right to me, simple as that.  So simple outfits like this are sometimes the absolute best in my book (and often, the ones that draw the most compliments!).

For me, there's nothing better than a breezy white top, simple accessories, and some distressed jeans.

 ...metallic Birkenstocks never hurt anyone either. ;)

::shop the look::
white tank//(similar) (similar) (similar)
Ray Ban sunglasses
Louis Vuitton bag

So my point is, do what makes YOU feel good! Dress for yourself. Establish a personal style, get inspired, and go your own way with your fashion choices. Never feel like you can't wear something because "so and so" wouldn't wear that. Let's face it, "so and so" isn't you and doesn't really look all that great anyway. ;)  So feel good and be happy this week, Loves!

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