
Everyone needs a survival kit...

Especially a beauty survival kit. We've all been there. Out and about, feeling great...

...and then you look in the mirror to find some not so nice makeup issues going on. Womp womp.
Happens to all of us.

To me, it's essential to have a little survival kit that doesn't take up much space, but contains everything you'd need to fix any makeup "womp womps" you may have. It's especially essential when you like to wear makeup, but live somewhere like I do that gets super hot and humid in the Summer time... Recipe for disaster right there.

So I like having this little "survival kit" with me full of little amazing products that can fix most makeup issues that can occur.
Check out the video for all the details on my little kit of quick fixes and let me know what you keep in your little on-the-go kit! What are your must-haves for a kit like this??

::shop my survival kit::

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