
Recent Empties! Reviews of Products I've Used Up

Hello and Happy Monday, Loves!
I hope you all had the best weekend! So last week I started noticing that my little "empties" basket was literally running over.
Yup, we're going through my trash.

I make it a point to toss any used-up beauty products (makeup, skin care, bath products, hair stuff, etc.) in this little cute bin at the bottom of our linen closet. That way when it fills up, I can do an "Empties" video like this and do a ton of collective reviews of things you may have seen me purchase or talk about.

Like I always say in these type of videos and posts, these are some of my favorite (and most useful) types of videos. I feel like once someone has used up an entire product, they can usually provide a better and more thorough review.

So that's what we're doing today! Going through my "trash" and reviewing some beauty products, good and bad. Which ones do I think are worth repurchasing? Which ones are total crap? Check out the video below for all the details!!

::products mentioned::

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