
Beauty Samples Idea...

Gotta love when a decor post has a little bit of beauty and makeup mixed right in...

While yesterday's closet tour post/video already related to decor, I still didn't want to skip this week's decor post completely so I thought I'd share a simple little idea that I guarantee everyone reading this post can do. Seriously, you've got the stuff to do this, I promise.

Especially if you shop at Sephora, which I know a lot of you all do!

If you're like me and shop there often (or any other beauty store really), you've probably got a shameful hoarding situation stash of various samples somewhere in your house that you're not... sampling.  When I was rearranging my makeup/filming area in my closet last week, I found a big basket of them.  When I looked in, all the colors of the different sample packaging was kind of pretty. Which gave me an idea...

I grabbed one of my big apothecary jars from a kitchen cabinet that contains a hoarding situation all it's own. I also have a shameful stash of apothecary jars of various sizes, but that's a whole other story.

For more on our guest bathroom makeover, check out this post!

So I dumped them in a big jar and placed it atop the counter of our guest bathroom grouped with a yummy-scented candle and possibly the cutest little Hermes travel soap and dish I ever did see.  I grabbed that at a hotel I stayed at in Minneapolis a few years ago. Not from the nightstand or anything... But all of their little free travel toiletries were Hermes!! Inside is the most precious orange-scented soap. Sort of regretting not snagging a few more (or 27) of them while I was there.  Note to self: When you can get free Hermes anything (even travel soap), YOU TAKE IT.

Seriously cute, huh?

Such a fun way to add some color and put to use some of those samples that you may be stashing! Plus, it's fun for your guests to grab a few new things to try while they stay with you.

If you don't have any apothecary jars like this, no worries! You can use any clear container, vase, bowl, anything! Be creative.

Speaking of apothecary jars, this little update made me bust out my big jar of bath bombs from underneath the cabinet in there that I had never found a real place for. So I just placed it in a little basket by the tub.

This is my favorite way to store them because they stay fresh, are easy to see, and most of all, it just looks pretty.

Here are some canister ideas!

So what do you guys think? What do you do with all those little samples??

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