
Recent Target Finds

*MEET-UP INFO!! Come hang out with me on Saturday, January 5th from 1-3pm at the Sigma Beauty store at the Mall of America! They'll be handing out gift bags and doing a giveaway, I'll be doing makeup demos, and we'll be hanging out! Also, they will be offering 10% off everything in the store and offering food and beverages during the event. ***If you plan to attend, RSVP to . Can't wait to see you guys there! 

Well, I survived my December no-buy. It was actually pretty refreshing! If you have no clue what the heck I'm talking about, I basically decided that I would forgo buying things for myself during the entire month of December. Well, not really the entire month, because I kicked off my whole "no-buy" situation on December 1st with a trip to Target to check out the release of the Target/Neiman's collaboration collection (check out that post here).  But from there, it was smooth sailing. Of course, I bought a few Christmas presents, groceries... You know, the essentials.  I did find it refreshing not to buy a lot of little frivolous things for myself here and there. It was actually pretty nice!

Well, since I haven't done a "Target Finds" post recently, and since you guys seem to really love them, I thought I'd share some of the interesting goodies I spotted or purchased there the last time I was there.

First of all, holy Valentine's Day, Target. They're really gearing up for that holiday up in there. Not gonna lie though, I always look forward to the Target V-day collection each year. They always have a ton of V-day cuteness scattered throughout the store. Ever since several years ago when they had the whole cupcake collection with the elusive cupcake cookie jar I scoured every Target within a 30 mile radius for... Only to have Brad surprise me with it a few months later (scored from a lucky ebay find).  I can't help it. It excites me.

So this year I was so happy to see that the collection is Paris themed! Not so happy to see that most of the stuff looks like it's geared toward toddlers. :/  Sippy cups, large plastic silverware, and baby plates, oh my. I didn't get a photo of the sippy cups and kid plates and spoons section though. This little section above was hanging out near the home decor. Cute stuff, but seems more geared for kids. :/
Moving on....

So I went back by the V-day section near the kitchen stuff where all the plates and such were and saw these really cute finds...

Yuuuup. That's a cup with a curly straw on the outside. AAAAAnd the Eiffel tower on it. You better believe I have one of these little guys in my cabinet.  I also swooned for this presh little plastic plate.  Wish I would have gotten a better photo of the whole thing. The little Eiffel tower art on it was super cute. Kind of want to go back for a set.
Who cares though, I got the curly straw cup and that's all that matters.

I thought these little crock things were so sweet!

 These could be used anywhere. I love the little chalkboard detail. I think they'd be cute on a desk with art supplies or something cute like that.

Now for my favorite find of the trip...

Is this bag cute or what? I love the contrast of the black and white.  Not sure if you can tell from the photo, but the black on the front and back of the bag is textured almost like a snake pattern.  I thought it looked really nice for the price.  I'm still kind of regretting not picking it up, but since I got a new handbag for Christmas and really don't change handbags very often, I decided to pass it up.

 Speaking of bags, I saw these several weeks ago...

Now, they're on clearance for super cheap! I really like this blue one. I think it would be great for traveling or fun for the summer. Any time really.

Same with these satchels. SO CUTE!

These are so versatile and the colors they're available in are really cute. I love the little gray snake pattern one on the right or the classic black.

Which leads me to my last item... These fabulous leather gloves.

Classic. Black. Quilted. Soft. Lovely.  Best of all, they're very affordable for leather gloves at $21.99. I thought these were such a great find.

So what treasures have you all found at Tar-jay lately?