
Updated Easy Eyebrow Tutorial

I've always said that eyebrows are one of the most important features on your face. The tricky part about getting them "just right"? Everyone's are TOTALLY different.
...and that's for a good reason.
Because everyone has different face shapes, features, etc., eyebrows come in all shapes and sizes to complement each individual's facial features. They sort of pull everything together. For that reason, I always recommend that people embrace their natural brow shape. Full or thin, straight or arched. However, you can definitely "clean up" and enhance the brows you have by following a few simple tips and using some of my favorite, "must-have" brow products.

Check out my video below for all the juicy brow details...

Long Time, No LUSH....

What is it with me and LUSH? I LOVE LUSH. But I don't shop there often.

Maybe it has something to do with my giant pretty apothecary jar stashed with bath bombs waiting to be used...
Which I shamefully change out with seasonal LUSH things depending on the time of year.

Or maybe it has to do with my even more shameful storage drawer container designated just for my LUSH stash. I keep it in my closet because it makes it smell so nice. Bonus.
Yeah. I'm thinking it has more to do with the latter.

When we bought our home, I have to admit, the giant garden tub was a huge selling point for me. Why? Because from the time I saw it, I imagined myself taking LUSH baths EVERY SINGLE DAY. Did that happen? No. I'm more of a shower gal...
Is it too late to make a new resolution for 2012? Use up my LUSH stuff and take more baths. Shouldn't be too hard to stick to.

So now that I've shared all my dirty LUSH secrets, this post seems even more ridiculous.

My question to you... HOW do you all stash your unused LUSH things? Are you like me and end up mysteriously acquiring shameful amounts of the stuff? Are you even more like me and keep buying it anyway?

Ok, so just watch my LUSH Haul video below to see the new unnecessary things I purchased...


My Must-Have Makeup Brushes

I get SO many questions about makeup brushes.
...and rightfully, so. Seriously, there are SO many different types. If you're not super familiar with them or are just starting to build your collection, it can be very confusing.
So I thought I'd put together this video showing you all my personal favorites. The ones that usually never leave my vanity table. My favorites for eye shadow, foundation, etc.
In the video below, I show you all this, and describe what I use each one for. Hope you enjoy!

OH and I almost forgot to share with you the current coupon code for Sigma Beauty! To get your hands on some of the brushes I use in the video (or anything on the site) and save 10% on your entire order, click here and enter code MARCH2012 at checkout until March 31st, 2012

Post contains affiliate links. Not a sponsored post.

Spring Smokey Eye: Purple & Bronze Makeup Tutorial

Products Used:MAC Paintpot in Nubile
MAC eye shadow quad in "Shop and Drop": Hypnotizing (silver-purple), Shop & Drop (blackened blue-purple)
MAC eye shadow in Bronze
MAC eye shadow in Creamy Bisque (light shimmery ivory for highlight)
Urban Decay 24/7 pencil eye liner in Demolition (dark brown for tight-lining)
Loreal Carbon Black Lineur Intense
Armani Eyes to Kill Excess Mascara
Benefit Hervana powder blush
MAC Lipglass in Pink Lemonade
Not shown in video:
Make Up Forever Mat Velvet+ liquid foundation, Revlon Brow Fantasy in Dark Blonde

Check out my video below for the complete tutorial: